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  • Writer's pictureTina Qin

Looking Ahead…

In the past one and a half years of working on this project, I’ve been through various stages: learning philosophies myself through self-guided readings, surveying and interviewing communities regarding challenges they face in daily lives, and researching philosophies and writing articles to alleviate difficulties we face. I have so far written about how 10 philosophical perspectives can help us better combat procrastination and pursue happiness, as well as a gallery of philosophical quotes for simulating inspirations.

Distilling my learning into productive work, I have always enjoyed reading philosophies for the sake of enriching myself and applying wisdom to life the most. With only a few months left, I don’t think I will be able to articulate how five different perspectives approach the question of tolerance. Therefore, my hope is to finish the book Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration by Teresa Bajan. I read and take notes during spring break. Before I prepare for presentations, I will write at least one post summarizing what I’ve learned and my critique of some of the author’s ideas. I will strive to keep the quality of my writing as well as the aesthetics of website arrangement on par with my work so far, since this website has, in some way, became an account of my journey in philosophy in high school.

I want to focus my last few months on presentation, so more people can hopefully benefit from my website. My goal is to present to communities outside of Emma. Therefore, I’ve been working with Ms. McGivern on finding the precise audience and time. Through speeches within and outside of Emma, I hope I can start enough interest so at least 50 people would go on my website to learn more about philosophies.


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